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Experience life

I usually never write on a Saturday night. There's gatherings to attend to, movies to watch, or time with a loved one to spend, BUT - after texting with Donna and us talking about all the things that motivate us and move us - I felt inspired by what came out of my mouth and on to my iPhone. Ive learned that what you EXPERIENCE in life tends often to be far more valuable then what you are TAUGHT about life. Isn't that the truth. In all the experiences that have happened in your life that molded you the most, was it what you were told? Or was it what you lived through. My favorite quote is one that goes something like "I never in a million years have learned more about the struggle then the experience of it hitting me straight in the head. I would have rather read about it, of course, but then where would the brilliance of the resolve amounted. Where would I have been left, looking at it from a distance - rather then right in the middle of the chaos." -L. Bringishnam My colleague in business once said "Trust. You are EXACTLY where you are supposed to be". Funny, because this was a month where it appeared that everything was going to fall apart before month-end. It didn't. Ive learned that what you EXPERIENCE in life tends often to be far more valuable then what you are TAUGHT about life. Get on that plane, pick up that paintbrush, start writing your first poem. Get the heck out of your comfort zone and if it feels awkward, you're only starting. Give yourself a break. Find that passion. Put your neck out there - be FEARLESS. (Does not mean were NOT shaking in our boots) I pretty much shake in my boots on a daily basis, but what you DON'T see - is me ever saying " I can't". Fake it til you Make it has been my motto for YEARS!! They don't know you! They don't know you're not an expert. Start being an inspiration - Start living out the daydream that pops into your head every morning before the alarm goes off. I believe that if more people believed in the power of their dreams and their TENACITY - more things would transpire for them. I have a note my Father wrote me 10 years ago taped to my mirror that I read everyday. "Keep Reaching for your DREAMS - And good things will come your way." When I have had the courage to go FIRST - the dream has always followed. The result has been far more crazy then ever imaginable. I let go of "needing" people to support me to manifesting my own success and results. Now I can simply enjoy the amazingness of their company, encouragement, expertise and insight rather then relying on them like a crutch to nourish the foundation of my existence and purpose. I've taken charge of my own. I am in charge of my own. Do that same favor for yourself. Leap. Write. Fly. Engage. Challenge. Crawl. Walk. Climb. GO! Experience this life and all it has to offer - do it. The 4 walls that surround you are only meant to protect you from the rain - NOT to keep out of the sun! Find the life thats BEGGING you to discover it. Its all waiting....its YOUR move. <3 Please feel free to reach out to me if EVER any one of you want to talk abut how to un-F* your life. I'm no master (by a LONG SHOT), but I'm an open book and have experienced a LOT!! My friends are made up of ALL walks of life. WE can do more good by supporting each other and helping our fellow (wo)man OVER the hurdle - rather then throwing them under it. Have the BEST WEEKEND! <3 Christine - for Present Women XO 

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