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Celebrate Women

We’ve all seen that women who has it all together--her life is perfect, her style and flawless hair . everything seems to be going for her. When we see women like this, we sometimes let our insecurities take over. Envious and jealous thoughts creep up in the back of our minds, such as, “Why can’t I have her life? I work just as hard,” or “why can’t I be as beautiful? I bet she is shallow or fake.” These thoughts turn into a secretive hate against her, as we explain to ourselves why she doesn’t deserve that job or relationship. Even worse, our jealousy may turn into the kind of gossip that draws other women to tear this person down.

So why do we continue to do this? Why do we turn to jealousy instead of applause? Why are we so focused on being better than each other and tearing one another apart? Why do we compare each other instead of celebrating our uniqueness?

Somehow we’ve taught ourselves that in order for us to rise, we have to step on someone else. In order to win, some other women has to lose. whatever she has more makes me less. In order to be successful, we have to go against each other. But this is all a lie.

Another women’s beauty does not take away from your beauty. Another women’s success does not make you a failure. Another women’s wonderful life does not make your life worthless.

If you knew her real story she like you, is trying to live her life the best she can. She, like you, has had many failures and triumphs. She, like you, is someone who just wants to be loved, heard, and accepted. So realize now that the woman you glared at behind her back, that woman you gossiped about last week is a lot more similar to you than you think. You don’t have to hate her, Be happy for her, because a win for one woman is a win for all women. A success for any woman should be celebrated.

So for that woman who got the job and that woman who rocked that outfit, celebrate her. Go up and give her a compliment for being her impressive self. Let her know that you are happy for her and that she’s amazing. Because admit it, she’s pretty dang awesome, every woman is!

we need to learn to celebrate other women. can you imagine how much better our world would be if women stop going against each other and started standing by each other instead? Can you imagine the impact of women lifting each other up instead of tearing each other down? we all become more beautiful and stronger when women unite and celebrate each other, so let’s all make it our goal to applaud other women accomplishments!

I’ll go first; whoever is reading this right now, I just want to let you know that you are more than enough, beautiful, and an awesome work in progress! Keep being your perfect self and living your life to the fullest!

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