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We are burying my Mom’s ashes today. It was a year ago that she died and donated her body to science. She was as generous in death as she was in life. She was a strong beautiful wife and mother to five girls. She taught us how to be independent , strong and speak our minds . She also above all else wanted us to support each other . In honor of her I’d like to introduce you to Present Women.

I started present women with the hope to redefine beauty and encourage women to support and celebrate each other. As a hair and makeup artist for years applying lipstick i’ve learned beauty does not come out of a tube. It’s that light that shines when a woman is confident in her unique beauty.

In honor of my mother and women like her i invite you to pledge to be a present women: to support other women and celebrate the unique beauty in all of us.

I love you Mom forever and a day,


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